在 C# 中最常見的使用 singleton 方式為:

  1. class 建構函式設為 “private“,防止其他人 new 產生實體

  2. 產生一個唯讀的實體供外使用


public class MySingleton
    private static readonly MySingleton theOneAndOnly = new MySingleton();

    public static MySingleton TheOnly
        get { return theOneAndOnly; }

    private MySingleton()

若要處理較複雜的邏輯,或為例外的處理,可使用靜態建構子,須注意的是靜態建構子不同於一般的 class 建構子,它不能帶入任何的參數

public class MySingleton2
    private static readonly MySingleton2 theOneAndOnly;

    static MySingleton2()
            theOneAndOnly = new MySingleton2();
            // ...

    public static MySingleton2 TheOnly
        get { return theOneAndOnly; }

    private MySingleton2()

client 端程式:

static void Main(string[] args)
    MySingleton a1 = MySingleton.TheOnly;
    MySingleton a2 = MySingleton.TheOnly;
    if (a1 == a2)
        Console.WriteLine("The same");
    MySingleton2 b1 = MySingleton2.TheOnly;
    MySingleton2 b2 = MySingleton2.TheOnly;
    if (b1 == b2)
        Console.WriteLine("The same");


The same
The same